All posts by Elder Kehoe


Welcome to 2015

We didn’t do anything special or exciting
for New Year’s. We worked like normal, tried to visit people (but nobody
was home because of the holiday) then came home and slept like normal. The
fireworks at midnight woke me up a bit, but we didn’t go and watch them or
anything because we wanted to sleep.

Then on the 1st of the new year, we met as a Zone and read 90 passages from
the Book of Mormon/Libro de Mormon together. The 90 passages are from a
sheet that we give to all of our recent converts to Continue reading


Christmas didn’t happen

So I’ve decided that Christmas
didn’t actually happen. We had a holiday here on the 25th of December with
Christmas trees and lights and Santa, but it was just a Peruvian holiday
they call ‘Navidad,’ not Christmas. Christmas isn’t Christmas if there
isn’t chips and salsa, gingerbread houses, taco soup, Samuel the Lamanite,
Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah song, Lucky Nuts, stockings, and a long car ride to
Grandma’s house early in the morning. I’m looking forward to Christmas in
2016 because that’s when it’ll Continue reading


Christmas in Peru

So this week we had a bunch of
Christmas activities! On Wednesday, we met with our mission president and 4
other Zones to have a ‘Christmas Devotional.’ It wasn’t a party. It was a
‘devotional.’ We played games; watched a slideshow of pictures from around
the mission; ate really good chicken, fries, salad, jello, and actual
Dunkin Donuts; and performed skits. One of the games we played was to dress
someone up as Santa. They gave us red and white paper, cotton strips, and
tape. We had 20 minutes. Continue reading

Christmas will be in Hunter

Things are going great here!
We didn’t have the baptism that we had planned for this week because she
didn’t come to Church, but we have another date set for her on the 27. We
should be having a couple baptisms that day. ‘Should’ being the operative

Transfers happened this week! Elder Mananita and I thought that one of us
would be getting transfered, probably me, but we’re both still here in
Hunter for the holidays! We’re both really happy because 1) we didn’t need
to pack up all of our stuff Continue reading


We’re now in December

I now understand why everyone says
that the mission flys by. (Is that the write ‘by’? I know it doesn’t ‘fly
buy’ and I don’t think it ‘flys bye’ but it could. Oh, well. I need to
focus on my Spanish right now, not my English).

So last week for P-Day we had a lot of fun. We went to the Plaza de Armas
and printed some photos of the baptisms we’ve had to give to our recent
converts. Then we went to the mall. It was an actual mall! It had 2 floors,
escalators, normal shops like Adidas and Billabong, Continue reading