The biggest news of the week
is that we found a Branch President that will stay here in the branch
with the members! That means the area will probably stay open for the
next long while. We’ve been talking to President Zobrist, but nothing
is for sure yet. This member is our branch mission lider right now and
wasn’t called to be branch
president sooner because he and his wife were only planning on staying
here for a few months to work. But they’ve been talking about it and
they’ve decided to stay Continue reading
All posts by Elder Kehoe
Branch Conference
We had our Branch Conference this
week! We’ve been worrying a lot about getting everything set up and
ready for the conference. We wanted it to be really good and uplifting
for the members. On Friday, we had permission to set up a screen and
projector in the main plaza and show the Church’s Bible Videos. We
focused on Jesus Christ and His teachings. A lot of people stuck
around watching the videos. While they were watching, we handed out
invitations to the conference and explained that we were going Continue reading

Mother’s Day!
This week was Mother’s Day! That means I
got to call home! The internet here in Chivay is terrible, though, so we
talked with our mission president and got permission to come here to
Arequipa and Skype home in the offices. After our Church meetings in
Chivay, we got on a bus and made the 3 hour trip here to Arequipa. It was
great to be able to talk with the family, see them, and share Mother’s Day
During the week, we had a Zone Conference with the rest of the missionaries
in our Zone, Continue reading

First Baptisms in Almost a Year
We had 2 baptisms
this week! And by “we,” I mean, the Branch. They were investigators
from the other 2 Elders here, but the Branch now has 2 new members. A
mom and her son were baptized in one of the natural hot spring pools
here in Colca Canyon. It’s called the Calera. We normally baptize in
the river, but they asked to do it in the hot springs instead. We had
a pool reserved for the baptisms, but it was being used when we got
there, so we asked to use a different pool and baptized with people
chilling Continue reading
Lots of New Stuff
Chivay has been interesting. Lots
of things have been going on/changed in my mission now. We haven’t
done a ton of missionary work because we’ve been mostly doing Branch
work. We’ve been worrying about seminary and whether or not the youth
are going, worrying about tithing, fast offerings, and interviews,
giving training to the Relief Society about Visiting Teaching,
planning the Branch Conference we’re going to have (who’s going to
speak, what are they going to speak about, how are we going to invite
people Continue reading