Hello everyone! Everything’s great here in Arequipa.
We’re starting to get some rain again, which is nice. The city needs it.
They’ve been in a drought.
The missionary work goes on. We’re looking for investigators and helping
lots of less actives right now. We don’t have any baptisms set in stone
yet. We might have a couple somewhat soon.
I’ve been learning a lot in my studies recently. I’ve been learning about
how important it is to have a testimony, about the power of prayer, about
the power of the Book of Mormon, and about how important the Book of Mormon
is. I’m realizing more and more that the Lord’s Church doesn’t change.
It’ll always be the same. The principles and doctrines will always be the
I’m grateful to be part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know that this Church is true. I’ve seen how the Church and its teachings
can change lives.
I hope everyone has a great week! Love you guys!
-Elder Kehoe